sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Self-instituted slavery

Self-instituted slavery
Socialism for the Twenty-First Century: a Utopia, a lie or a Solution?, Sunday, November 20, 2011 at 11:50
A song of Portuguese band "Deolinda" ("so syilly I'am" - creating the "silly generation" ) launched the theme for discussion of a reality that devastates the Portuguese youth and in general all the youth of the Western world. An increasingly educated generation who will collecting academic titles schemes is paradoxically confronted with the most demanding work and low paid that led to the outburst "to be a slave is to be studied."
            The self-proclaimed "silly generation" is the daughter of the generation that had the best quality of life in living memory and had the opportunity to educate their children and give them the best academic qualifications, they were expecting a reserved quality of life even higher than his, which in turn was already better than their parents.
For how cruel can be our destination, we were we gave ourselves the knot of the rope that now arises about ready to stretch our necks if we do not accept being treated as commodities by the bosses in of the money.
            By replacing the traditional values by ​​others that overvalue material goods, the marks "premium", the latest technology, fashion, appearance, and the futility superfluous, making life a competition without rules to achieve that the best agencies marketers want us to enforce, subvert the backbone of the principles that underpin the basic pillars of a solidary society. Nowadays, people are worth not what they are, but what they seem, in an escalation of consumerism that seems to justify everything.           The current society has lost the thread of a spiritual component that shaped a set of behaviors, turning only to the immediate and easy modeling of the associated laws governing courts, gave the glow ability to exploit man by man himself.
The greed of multinational corporations and the banking system led to a spiral of consumption of goods or services, unreasonably depleting our borrowing capacity.
To increase sales volume and consequent increase in dividends, big business companies battle everyday in search of ever better products and lower costs at a time.
To achieve lower prices for products with more quality the solution is on the one hand, by increasing the scale of production, achieved by building ever larger economic groups through mergers and acquisitions between companies and passes by on the other hand for decreased labor costs achieved by reducing the number of employees and their salaries. We have so many more copies thereof produced by fewer workers who earn smaller salaries, which contributed greatly to the relocation of production achieved in countries dominated by the cheap labor.
With globalization, the major economic groups achieved something great for the consumer, now have access to the latest gadgets of sophisticated technology at an affordable cost, simply by comparing what they cost and what cost equivalent articles 10 years ago (mobile phones, TV , laptops, etc.).
Only this small wonder is a catch: the consumer consumes only if you have to get money and the incurring of costs, many workers were thrown into unemployment and those who work are forced to work in ever more precarious.
To meet their interests as consumers, the occidentals have condemned their jobs, offering them to people in a quasi-slavery regimen, fill the shelves of our supermarkets with quality products at prices from China, consuming them without caring conditions in which they were produced. Maybe the toys we give our children for Christmas were made by children the same age who work long hours as true adults, but this does not seem to harass our consciousness ...            If nothing is done to the contrary, the Europeans will remain only on austerity over austerity and will soon be so poor that they have the money to buy the products that got used, not even to have access to quality public services taken for granted for decades and inalienable.            It is evident that a planet with 7 billion people, the money that begins to appear in developing countries must come from somewhere and capitalization of new economies must come from the disinvestment of the old economies.           Currently only the peripheral countries are paying the bill of globalization, but it will eventually reach the most industrialized countries, sooner or later.            To avoid solutions such as 1939/1945 is urgent to create a new paradigm of society that allows the satisfaction of natural desires of life with a quality that allows the technology and satisfying the legitimate aspirations of those who want to advance in their professional life, opening way to new horizons of science has much to hide, but this is done in a more harmonious and balanced with the resources of the planet.

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