The recent history of Europe shows that the attempt to build a union backed only in monetary values superimposed on the social, cultural and economic specifity is proving to be a failure.
The exciting project of a Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals converted into an area of peace, development and prosperity is slipping into an asymmetric Europe, nationalist, in increasing social unrest by encouraging radicalism.
If we want to save the European project we must give you a new way to solidify the dream of a continental identity, creating convergences rather than divergences.
The European Union must be more than a common currency and the free movement of persons and goods by a coordinated management structure with extremely limited powers.
The European project to be viable must be more ambitious and build a Europe not only economic but also social and organizational.
It is essential to create a common identity representative of all the inhabitants of this vast geographic area, able not only to centralize decision-making power, but also the coordination and execution of social benefits that converged want, so that people can reach less developed a higher state of development without compromising the future of the most highly developed peoples. Without the existence of advantages for both players - EU and individual states - does not make sense any association.
To build momentum for standardizing a Europe tend to be symmetrical and not asymmetrical - because symmetry is only guarantor of stability - steps should be taken towards creating a social Europe, cultural and administrative, supported by a common military structure without subservience to any other world power.
One of the first pillars of a Social Europe must be the establishment of a European Minimum Wage based on the less developed economies and coexisting with the Minimum Wage of individual countries. This European Minimum wage should grow in a sustainable manner so as to approximate in a dilated form in time the labor income to be similar in the poorest and richest countries.
The salaries of employees of large European multinationals would tend to be equal in all countries of the European Union, evidently with some margin of flexibility tailored to the regional economies.
Should be created a central public administration, which is supported by a skeleton organization similar to what was done in the Roman Empire.
Should be defined the basic pillars of social support and this field should be created a European Health Service, a public school and a European social protection to the European workers.
The national unions should be merged into European trade unions for a more consistent defense of workers' interests.
In the last call should be defined a common official language coexist with the local languages but what would be the point of convergence multiplicity of culture that contains geographic space.
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